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What is Java?

Just taken your first steps in the Java world? Here you will find links to useful places. Keep in touch with our site. We will continually post relevant articles and links.

Here you will find the current official releases of Java:

J2SE 5.0

Older versions and releases

JDK is also available for other platforms from a lot of third parties.

Java Info Sites

Official information about Java is found at Sun's Java Site

If you need something, and don't want to reinvent the wheel again, Gamelan is the place for you to go to. Here you will find a lot of freeware as well as commercial tools. Gamelan's Java code library is immense, and mostly free.

Yahoo Java Links

Java User Groups

IBM Center for Java Technology Development


At Sun's Java FAQ you'll find answers to more general questions about Java, such as "What is Java good for?" or "Who's doing what with Java ?" etc.

A good place for programming questions the beginner to start is FAQ. Here you'll find answers to the most common questions such as "Can Java do this or that ?", " How do I make my first Applet run?", as well as some more advanced questions.

If you have a question that is more in depth, FAQ is probably a good place to look at. Here you will find answers about most of the peculiarities in the Java API, and solutions to common, but less straight-forward questions.

Links to these and other FAQ's can be found at Java FAQ Archives.

Java API

Java API overview


Why no take your first steps in Java programming by visiting the Java Tutorial at Sun's site. This online book is also available in print.

An important online reference book is The Java Language Specification by James Gosling, Bill Joy, and Guy Steele. As Elliotte Rusty Harold writes in the review: "You don't need this book often, and you certainly can't learn Java from it; but when you need it, you need it badly." This book is for experts.

Nice books - but obsolete

<>A good book  (from the early days of Java, but now completely obsolete) written by somebody who really knows Java is The Java Handbook by Patrick Naughton. The 450 pages takes you quite far in Java, and it doesn't just answer how this or that is done in Java, but also why that way was chosen, and not another, when Java was designed. Naughton was the founding member of the original Java team at Sun, and, in a sense, the reason Java became real.

A quite comprehensive list of Java books can be found at Cafe au lait, together with reviews of several of them.



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